Debug IDs

Requirements for the JS SDK to pick up Debug IDs

This section outlines everything needed for Sentry and the Sentry SDK to pick up Debug IDs to unminify/symbolicate JavaScript files. It explains the necessary modifications to generated artifacts for source mapping to work.

We follow our TC39 Debug ID Proposal. However, because Debug IDs are not yet a standard, we need to employ a workaround.

Debug IDs should be UUIDs, e.g., 85314830-023f-4cf1-a267-535f4e37bb17. The UUID version does not matter.

Embed Debug IDs in JavaScript files and their source map for Sentry indexing.

JavaScript files should have a //# debugId=... comment at the end:

"use strict";
console.log("Hello world!");
//# debugId=85314830-023f-4cf1-a267-535f4e37bb17

If a JS file has a source map reference, append the debugId comment after the sourceMappingURL comment:

"use strict";
console.log("Hello world!");
//# debugId=85314830-023f-4cf1-a267-535f4e37bb17

The corresponding source map should embed the same Debug ID using both debug_id and debugId fields for compatibility:

  "version": 3,
  "file": "index.js",
  "sources": [],
  "sourcesContent": [],
  "names": [],
  "mappings": "...",
  "debug_id": "85314830-023f-4cf1-a267-535f4e37bb17",
  "debugId": "85314830-023f-4cf1-a267-535f4e37bb17"

Since JS runtimes do not provide access to the //# debugId=... comment, inform the Sentry SDK about the Debug IDs for all loaded JavaScript files via a global variable.

Prepend each JavaScript file with a snippet to write file information and Debug IDs into a global variable. Ensure that any changes to a JavaScript file also update the mappings in the corresponding source map.

The snippet should look as follows:

  var globalObject =
    typeof window !== "undefined"
      ? window
      : typeof global !== "undefined"
        ? global
        : typeof self !== "undefined"
          ? self
          : {};

  var stack = new globalObject.Error().stack;

  if (stack) {
    globalObject._sentryDebugIds = globalObject._sentryDebugIds || {};
    globalObject._sentryDebugIds[stack] =

This snippet creates an error to capture the stack trace, which includes the file name/path. The stack trace is used as a key to map to the Debug ID for that file inside a global _sentryDebugIds object. The Sentry SDK parses out the Debug IDs and file names from this object when an error is captured.

You can minify this snippet into one line, which will simplify updating the source map mappings.

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